Hi, thanks for checking out my site! I am a portrait photographer based in Mckinney, TX specializing in high-school seniors. Un-spo-ken [uhn-spoh-kun ] adj.. 1. Understood without the need for words. The name "Unspoken Photo" was inspired by my son Elliot, and my love for photography. Elliot has Autism, and has very little expressive language. He "speaks" in other ways, very much like the "language" of a photograph. I retired from my corporate job in 2013, with photography as only a hobby. That hobby quickly changed into a career that better defined who I was, and ultimately, a better fit for my family. I was hooked on this art form, and feel I finally found my passion that feeds my soul. It is very different having a "job" that I am passionate about, rather one I pursued because of a college degree. I go to bed thinking of my next shoot, and am always scouring for more information. I am blessed in this life with two boys, a grown step son, and a very loving husband. They all give my so much joy...all in different ways, and inspire me. That is my short story....I'd be humbled to shoot yours.
Peace and love!
Laurie Finkenbiner
Certified Digital Photographer